From relief to prevention: How male massage benefits lower back pain.

Male Massage in Lisbon: An Effective Natural Approach for Immediate Relief of Lower Back Pain.

Have you ever noticed how your emotions directly affect your physical body? Well, what does that have to do with the lower back region? This area of the body metabolizes the relationship between pleasure and responsibility.

man receiving male message in lisbon spa.
lower back massage

The lumbar region serves two basic emotional functions. First, support. When we need to deal with life’s demands, this function is activated. Our spine stays upright, bearing the weight of responsibilities and tasks.

The second function is relaxation. When the lumbar region relaxes, we make space for playfulness, lightness, and spontaneity. Therefore, yielding and sustaining are emotional functions of the lower back and should alternate with each other.

Therefore, if I exclusively stay stuck in pleasure or responsibility, I demand too much from this body region and it ends up locking up, either due to excessive muscle contraction or lack thereof.

Your body is not a machine; it’s a living organism and responds to your emotions and mindset because the body and mind are integrated.

That’s why the practice of receiving massage is important, as this body therapy emerges as an essential tool for relieving pain and maintaining the health of the lumbar muscles. Whether as a complement to medical treatments or as a regular practice of self-care, its benefits are undeniable. By providing relaxation, increasing blood circulation, and reducing muscle tension, massage not only alleviates symptoms but also promotes injury prevention and overall well-being. Incorporating male massage as an integral part of personal care routines can significantly contribute to a better quality of life and mobility.

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Tantra massage

A massagem tantrica tem suas raizes no Veda. Sendo assim, utilizamos as 3 chaves do tantra (Som, movimentos e respiração) para nossa sessão a fim de ampliar totalmente a forma de sentir e prazer.

Sensitive massage

Iniciamos a massagem com um toque sútil, seguido de assopros, percorrendo o corpo todo em detalhes e despertando o nosso maior órgão sensorial do corpo, a pele.

Neste momento a intenção é desgenitalizar o prazer e despertar a bioeletrecidade corporal. Desperta novas áreas de prazer corporal e promover o encontro do seu corpo com suas emoções através de ondas de prazer e vibrações orgásticas.

Êxtase total massage

Associar o prazer dos genitais ao restante do corpo

Após descobrir e desenvolver o potencial orgástico de todo o corpo, essas ondas de prazer são associadas à capacidade orgástica dos genitais. Dessa forma, a sexualidade da pessoa se transforma, encontrando novas referências, criando novas sinapses na relação com o prazer

Lingam massage

Após estabelecida a conexão dos genitais com todo o restante do corpo, começamos a desenvolver a capacidade dos genitais em produzir e sustentar bioenergia. Fazemos, então, um trabalho intenso de tonificação muscular dessa região, promovendo a experiência de orgasmos múltiplos sob uma nova perspectiva proprioceptiva

Na Lingam Massagem, o trabalho é focado, superdimensionado e intensificado no Pênis (Lingam). Com a Lingam Massagem, podem ocorrer descargas energéticas indescritíveis, revelando novas potencialidades orgásticas que levam a orgasmos múltiplos com ou sem ejaculação, e uma extraordinária expansão da energia.

Principais benefícios da Lingam Massagem:
  • Força e vigor genital
  • Orgasmos múltiplos, secos e ejaculatórios
  • Aumenta o tempo erétil

P-Spot massage

um trabalho de estimulação do Ponto P, na próstata. Você irá descobrir uma nova qualidade de prazer e orgasmo através de regiões sensoriais de grande potencial energético mas comumente pouco exploradas.

Male massage benefits

male massage lisbon

Massage therapy is an ancient technique of integral body care that over the years has gained more and more followers.

The reason for being a service so requested and appreciated by many, is its countless benefits that provide quality of life and health. Despite being applied directly to the muscles to relieve pain and tension, male massage also promotes mental relaxation, eliminates stress and ensures a great night’s rest.

It is worth remembering that all these benefits come from an alternative and 100% natural therapy, without contraindications.

Schedule your male massage and discover many other benefits!

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